Year: 2024

My July 2024 Newsletter

My July 2024 Newsletter

Hello and welcome to my July 2024 Newsletter. I was looking back on my newsletter for July 2023, and I commented that now we are past the longest day, the nights are pulling in, and the weather seems more like October than July – and it seems this year is going much...

My June 2024 Newsletter

My June 2024 Newsletter

Hello, and welcome to my June Newsletter.  I've recently returned from a lovely holiday in Kefalonia, and now I'm trying to catch up with everything. We had a great time, but it's always nice to come home and sleep in your own bed. We've been lucky...

A Visit to Beautiful Clovelly

A Visit to Beautiful Clovelly

We didn’t have many trips out when I was a child, as my dad was a farmer, and he had little time off. However, I particularly remember him taking me and my mum to Clovelly on my thirteenth birthday, and I immediately fell in love with this picturesque little village,...

My May 2024 Newsletter

My May 2024 Newsletter

Hello, and welcome to my May Newsletter.   Well, after so much rain, I've finally been able to get out and weed my garden, and now it's looking nice and tidy. My potatoes, broad beans, and peas are all up, and the sweet peas are already climbing up...

My Review of “And the Ground Trembled” by Celia Martin

My Review of “And the Ground Trembled” by Celia Martin

Celia Martin is a former Social Studies teacher. Her love of history dates back to her earliest memories when she sat enthralled as her grandparents recounted tales of their past. As a child, she delighted in the make-believe games she played with her siblings and...

A Visit to New York

A Visit to New York

In 2023, I was lucky enough to go on a trip to New York to celebrate a significant birthday. I was accompanied by my husband, Bryan, my eldest son, Stuart, and his wife, Laura, and my youngest son, David, and his wife, Jenny. We went for six days, and quite apart from...

My April 2024 Newsletter

My April 2024 Newsletter

Hello, and welcome to my April Newsletter.   Thankfully, last weekend signalled the start of British Summer Time, but I just wish someone would tell the weather! I know the English like to moan about the rain, but we've had so much...

My March 2024 Newsletter

My March 2024 Newsletter

Hello, and welcome to my March Newsletter.   Hello everyone, I hope you are all keeping well. It seems no time since we were talking about Christmas, and now it will soon be Easter. It's early this year, and, of course, Easter eggs have been available...

An Interview with Hilly Barmby

An Interview with Hilly Barmby

Today, I'm delighted to welcome author Hilly Barmby to my blog, and I'm looking forward to chatting with her, so without more ado, perhaps you could tell us a bit about yourself, Hilly? Thank you so much for inviting me to talk to you, Marcia. I attended Rochester...

My February 2024 Newsletter

My February 2024 Newsletter

Hello, and welcome to my February Newsletter.   Well, the new year started with a lot of storms, but for the last week or so, the weather has been lovely here in Devon. Cold and frosty, yes, but lovely and sunny later in the day. I've even...

My Interview with Alison Huntingford

My Interview with Alison Huntingford

Today, I’m delighted to welcome back Alison Huntingford, a popular Devon author whom I first interviewed early in 2022. I met Alison when I won one of her books in a Facebook competition, and we became friends on social media. Since then, I’ve had the pleasure of...

My January 2024 Newsletter

My January 2024 Newsletter

Hello, and welcome to my January Newsletter. Happy New Year, everyone, I wish you all health, wealth, and happiness over the months to come, and I hope you had an enjoyable Christmas as we did. We spent a couple of days with our youngest son, David, and his...

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