Celia Martin is a former Social Studies teacher. Her love of history dates back to her earliest memories when she sat enthralled as her grandparents recounted tales of their past. As a child, she delighted in the make-believe games she played with her siblings and friends, but as she grew up and had to put aside the games, she found she could not set aside her imagination. So, Celia took up writing stories for her own entertainment.

Celia is an avid reader. She loves getting lost in a romance but also enjoys good mysteries, exciting adventure stories, and fact-loaded historical documentaries. When her husband retired and they moved from California to the glorious Kitsap Peninsula in the state of Washington, she was able to begin a full-fledged writing career. They loved living in the NW, but after twenty-one years, they returned to CA to be near family. Celia still loves writing and will continue to write. When not engaged in writing, Celia enjoys travel, keeping fit, and listening to various music styles.

About the book …

Lady Elizabeth D’Arcy has travelled to London with her Aunt Phillida to find love and adventure. She may have found both when she intervenes, with the help of the ever so handsome William Hayward, to help Annis Blanchard escape the clutches of the villainous Lord Creighton so Annis can be with the man she loves, Sir Jeremy Danvers. With each passing day, Elizabeth falls increasingly in love with William as he helps her navigate the intricacies of court life. But is he truly in love with her, or is he merely a fortune hunter after her large dowry? As they escape unharmed from one frightful adventure after another, thanks to the help of an array of delightful characters, Elizabeth faces an additional hurdle to love. As the daughter of the Earl of Tyneford, will she be allowed to marry a commoner? Will love win out?

My Review

This delightful tale is set in 1681, a time the author has clearly researched in depth, for the descriptions and information relating to the period are excellent. Having travelled to London with her Aunt Phillida in search of a suitable husband, Lady Elizabeth D’Arcy becomes acquainted with the handsome William Hayward, a commoner who would not be regarded as a suitable match for a lady. However, when William assists Elizabeth in helping her friend, Annis Blanchard, escape the evil clutches of the villainous Lord Creighton, she is attracted to him and curious whether her feelings are reciprocated. The last thing William is looking for is marriage, but as they spend more and more time with each other, he cannot deny that he is drawn to the beautiful young woman. Annis Blanchard is already married to the love of her life, Sir Jeremy Danvers, but the union has not yet been consummated. The king has approved an annulment of the marriage to enable Lord Creighton to marry the unwilling young woman. However, Elizabeth and William are determined to thwart this plan and are even willing to risk the king’s displeasure to do so. As they encounter one adventure after another, Lady Elizabeth accepts that she has fallen in love with William – but does he truly love her, or is he just after her generous dowry? Will he be the man whose passion will make the ground tremble beneath her feet? As with all the books by Celia Martin, this novel is beautifully written and a must for all lovers of historical fiction.

Other books by Celia Martin

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