My Visit to RHS Rosemoor

Well, thanks to my son, David, I now have a brand new website to write a blog on.  So now I have to think of something to blog about!

Here goes!  Today, I went to RHS Rosemoor in Torrington.  Always one of my favourite places for a day out; it was a real treat after all the weeks of lockdown.  I actually went last Monday as well and I have to say, today was much quieter.  I wonder if this is because all the shops are re-opening today.  Well, I know where I would rather be.

I went with a friend I was at primary and secondary school with, and, as we are both retired, that was some time ago.  We became friends again in February this year and, having met once or twice for coffee, were then forced to keep apart by the Coronavirus lockdown.  As we stood in the queue waiting to go in we noticed that the lady in front had also attended school with us.  What are the chances of that?

We all walked around together and had a lovely time sitting and chatting by the lake in the warm sunshine.  We were even able to have a takeaway coffee (socially distanced, of course) for the first time in three months.  How little it takes to make us happy these days!  Mind you, we were a little disappointed when carefully swapping contact details on our phones, we heard a nearby couple exclaim, “Oh look, there’s a kingfisher!”  We missed it, and I’ve never seen one, although I’ve lived in Devon all my life.  Maybe next time.

Naturally, our conversation returned to our schooldays and various teachers.  We recalled a girl in our class making the French teacher’s life a misery by bombarding her with a peashooter when she had her back turned whilst writing on the blackboard, and another time when the same girl collected many frogs from the school pond and released them in the classroom. If I remember correctly, the whole class was given detention, causing us to miss our bus home, resulting in a four-mile walk.  Parents these days would probably be up in arms, but my mum just said I should have behaved myself.  Happy days of innocent fun.  though I’m not sure the French teacher saw it that way.

Here I am with my socially distanced school friends

1 Comment

  1. Sharon Snell

    I’m very impressed. Well done.x

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