
The Angel Maker is chosen as Book of the Week at The Coffee Pot Book Club – 7 May 2024
The Angel Maker – The Coffee Pot Book Club – Book of Week

Betsey chosen as the Springtime Spotlight on The Coffee Pot Book Club – 5 May 2024
Springtime Spotlight for The Coffee Pot Book Club: Betsey

Millie’s Escape on a Blog Tour with The Coffee Pot Book Club – 13 – 15 December 2023
The Coffee Pot Book Club: Search results for Blog Tour of Millie’s Escape

Millie’s Escape is Book of the Week with The Coffee Pot Book Club 4 – 11 December 2023
The Coffee Pot Book Club: Book of the Week – Millie’s Escape

DJ Bowman Smith Podcast with Marcia Clayton – 29th May 2023

The Hartford Manor Series Blog Tour with The Coffee Pot Book Club – 27th – 31st March 2023
The Historical Fiction Company Hartford Manor Blog Tour

Betsey on a Blog Tour with The Coffee Pot Book Club – 27th – 31st March 2023
The Coffee Pot Book Club Blog Tour of The Hartford Manor Series

Betsey wins second prize in the AllAuthor Cover of the Month Contest – February 2023
Winners of Cover of the Month Contest | AllAuthor

The Angel Maker wins second prize in the AllAuthor Cover of the Month Contest – January 2023
Winners of Cover of the Month Contest | AllAuthor

Feed my Reads Interview with Marcia Clayton on 17 January 2023

Pam Lecky’s Blog about Betsey by Marcia Clayton in 6 January 2023
I was delighted when Irish author Pam Lecky invited me to post a blog about Betsey, my latest book, on her website:

My Interview with AllAuthor on 23 May 2022

A Conversation with Marcia Clayton – Pam Lecky’s Blog – 13 January 2022
A Conversation with Marcia Clayton – Pam Lecky Books

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