Hello and welcome to my November Newsletter.
I was looking back over my newsletters earlier and realised that I sent my first one out in November 2020. Where has the time gone? Last year I wrote that a vaccine for Covid was in sight and that, hopefully, there might be some light at the end of the tunnel. I also wrote that by this time next year things might be very different. Well, I suppose they are, in that we all have more freedom, and most of us are now fully vaccinated, but with the number of cases so high, it seems we still have a way to go.
Anyway, on to happier matters. I’m feeling pleased with myself as I have made three Christmas cakes this week, and they have all turned out well. No, they aren’t all for us, though I think my husband, Bryan, would happily polish them all off. I always soak my fruit in a little sherry and brandy for about three days before I make the cake (the aroma alone is amazing) and then give it a couple of months to mature. This seems to work well.

The other day we had a lovely walk through the woods at Arlington in North Devon and the autumn colours were beautiful. This is one of our favourite walks and in the bright sunshine, it was hard to believe it is November as it was so mild. The dahlias in my garden are still looking good, and I have a hanging basket full of petunias, fuchsias and other trailing plants which have survived the cold nights so far. The hanging basket was looking sad at the end of August and I cut all the plants back. Luckily, they all regrew and have kept flowering. Long may it last; the longer it stays mild the less the heating bills will be!

An Interview with Elizabeth Ducie
In writing books and learning about how to upload them to Amazon and make them available in shops, I have become friends with several other authors. They have all been friendly and supportive and none more so than Elizabeth Ducie. Elizabeth lives in Chudleigh and she provided me with much-needed publishing and marketing advice via zoom meetings during the lockdowns. Elizabeth has written five novels and three collections of short stories, as well as several other books about setting up and building a writing business. “Murder at Mountjoy Manor” is her latest novel. We have recently interviewed each other and you can read my interview with Elizabeth here:

My Writing News
Well, of course, my biggest news is that “The Rabbit’s Foot” my third novel in “The Hartford Manor Series” will be published on 18 November. However, the ebook is available to pre-order here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B09KQKQ5RS
“The Rabbit’s Foot” will also be available as a paperback from Amazon or by ordering it through shops. It’s always a worrying time putting out a new book and wondering what people will think of it. Fingers crossed! It has been read by a few people and they all seem to have enjoyed it so I hope you will too. If so, I’d love it if you left a short review.

A Good Read for November
Rapid Eye Movement by Amanda Sheridan
This is an unusual and intriguing book and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The characters are interesting and the idea behind the story is unlike anything I have read before. The book is well written and it held my attention from beginning to end. I was also drawn to the lovely cover. Why not give it a try?
About the book …
When Jennifer Scott and Lucy Wilson were injured in accidents near their respective homes in Cyprus and England, they had no inkling of the connection that was formed when their consciousnesses collided and linked them together within their dreams. Both are ordinary women. Living their lives. They have never met. Yet when Jennifer goes to sleep each night, she finds herself dreaming about how Lucy came to be the woman she is today. She learns of the dream house Lucy found in the Yorkshire Dales, the two daughters she adores and her happy, but ordinary, life with her husband, Charlie. When Lucy’s head hits the pillow, she is immediately transported to Jennifer’s world in Cyprus. There she learns how Jennifer met Ilan – the love of her life – and she experiences the loneliness and worry that this relationship causes Jennifer. Why is each woman dreaming the other’s life? Is it real? What does it mean? More importantly, if one of them stops dreaming what will happen to the other?
My newsletter next month will include an interview with Amanda Sheridan, the author of Rapid Eye Movement.
Thank you once again for reading my newsletter. Take care and stay safe.
Best wishes