Hello and welcome to my October Newsletter.
What lovely weather we have had during October, but sadly the sunshine has left us now, and as I write this it is pouring with rain outside. I guess it had to come sooner or later. I’ve made the most of the dry spell, and our allotment and garden have both been tidied up. My onions and potatoes have been harvested, and we have good crops this year, which we hope will keep us going until the spring. I was picking cherry tomatoes until a few days ago when I decided to get rid of the tomato plants. My neighbour used to be a market gardener and he grows loads of plants. He usually grows too many, and some usually come my way. He kindly gave me 18 lovely dahlia plants this year and they have been amazing, providing colour all summer long.
After all the covid lockdowns it’s been good to catch up with family and friends over the last few months, although we have still resisted the urge to go abroad. Our holiday in Kefalonia, which was booked for August 2020, and then changed to August 2021, has now been postponed to June 2022. Third time lucky, hopefully.
My eldest sister, Gill, lives in Surrey and she came and stayed recently for a couple of weeks. We had a great time as she was unable to come last year. One of our days out was to the Tiverton Canal where we enjoyed a trip on a horse-drawn barge. We were lucky that the weather was warm and sunny and it was an experience that I would recommend. I’ve written a blog about the trip, which you can read here: A Trip on the Tiverton Canal
My husband, Bryan and I also went to Marlborough for a couple of nights recently and spent a day in Avebury, which is famous for its stone circles. I have written a blog about our visit, which you can read here: A Visit to Avebury and a Haunted Inn
Now, even if you don’t usually bother reading blogs if you are a fan of my books, please just look at the photos in this one. We came across a pub called The Red Lion, and it is exactly as I pictured the inn of the same name in my books. I’d love to return and stay there one day, although it is supposed to be haunted!
My Writing News
I know my third book has been a long time coming, but I’m pleased to announce that it will be published in November. “The Rabbit’s Foot” is the third in The Hartford Manor Series and continues the story of the Carter and Fellwood families. I decided to make it my book of the month and so you can read a bit more about it below. As with the first two novels, the book will be available as an ebook and paperback on Amazon, and the paperbacks can also be ordered through any bookshop.

Out Soon!
“The Rabbit’s Foot” by Marcia Clayton
1885 North Devon, England
Mr Edward Snell was more than a little curious when Robert Fellwood, the heir to Hartford Manor, and his elderly aunt, the Lady Margery, begged an audience on a Saturday morning. However, being such valued clients, the solicitor was happy to oblige. As his clerk showed the visitors in, he was intrigued to see them followed by an old man who, though respectably dressed, had something of a vagrant about him. The crisp suit in which he was attired could not disguise his weather-beaten face or his missing teeth.
Robert introduced his Uncle Sam and explained he had come to claim his inheritance. The solicitor was old enough to remember the extensive search for Thomas Fellwood when his father, Ephraim, died in 1840. However, that was some forty-five years ago, and the young man had never been found. Yet here was Sam, who claimed to be Thomas Fellwood’s son and even more surprising, was the fact that the Fellwood family appeared to have accepted him as such.
“The Rabbit’s Foot” is an intriguing and compelling novel with many unexpected twists and turns. Set in the small seaside village of Hartford, it tells the tale of how an old man, who has spent his life with barely a penny to his name, suddenly finds himself rich beyond his wildest dreams. However, there is only one thing that Sam Fellwood truly wants, and that is to be reunited with his son, Marrok, whom he abandoned at the age of five. Will Sam find the happiness that has eluded him for so many lonely years?
Thank you for staying in touch and reading my newsletter and I hope you keep well and stay safe.
Best Wishes