Hello and welcome to my October Newsletter
Well, the mornings are getting colder, and the nights are pulling in so I think Autumn is upon us. However, thanks to the recent heavy rain, my garden is looking better now than it has all summer, and hopefully, it will continue to do so until we get some frost. I thought I’d share this photo of my favourite fuchsia with you. It’s situated inside our front porch, and it’s been lovely this year.
It was so sad that the Queen passed away recently, but what an amazing response from the public. We had booked to go to Buckingham Palace for a tour on the Monday after she died, but naturally, it was cancelled, so that will have to wait for another time. I would have liked to pay my respects by walking past the coffin, but I’m afraid I couldn’t face queueing for so many hours. I’m full of admiration for those who did, but it must have been quite an ordeal. I was also impressed by how efficiently everything was organised. I know it had been planned for years, but even so, it was amazing to watch.

My Writing News
Betsey, The Prequel to The Hartford Manor Series
Just a short update on my progress with Betsey. A few people have proofread it for me and found a handful of errors which I’ve corrected. I’m now working on the blurb to put on the back cover. I always find this difficult, as it needs to be of interest to readers, but without giving away too much of the story. Anyway, I thought you might like to see the cover, which has once again, been produced by my clever daughter-in-law, Laura. I’m so lucky she is a graphic designer, and able to do this for me. It took a while to find a suitable image, and a background that fits in well with the rest of The Hartford Manor Series, but hopefully, we’ve managed it. I’m pleased with it so I hope you like it too.
My Interview with Tracey Gerrard
My book of the month is called Let Me by Yorkshire author, Tracey Gerrard. Tracey has written five books and I’ve enjoyed two of them so far. Tracey and I are friends on social media and I was pleased when she agreed to take part in an interview, which you can read here: My Interview with Author, Tracey Gerrard
My Book of the Month
Let Me by Tracey Gerrard

Since her mum walked out on the family, and her father drank himself to death, Jennifer has had a tough time bringing up her eight-year-old brother, Joshua. She soon finds out that caring for a teenager is not an easy task, particularly when he is in and out of trouble with the police. When the man who led her brother into crime is released from jail, he wants Joshua to continue working for him, or to pay him off. He brutally attacks Jennifer to warn Joshua of what will happen if he doesn’t do as he is told.
Zach Slater has pursued Jennifer for over a year, but she has resisted his advances so far. Distraught at seeing her so badly beaten, Zach takes it upon himself to care for Jennifer and Joshua. Zach is a dominant man, who is used to getting what he wants, but Jennifer is an independent woman with a mind of her own and she’s used to taking care of herself. Will she accept help and a romance from a man who is determined to become part of her life? You can find the book here: Let Me By Tracey Gerrard
Thank you once again, for reading my newsletter and I hope you found something to interest you. Until next time, take care and enjoy the sunny autumn days.