Hello and welcome to my newsletter.
Have you started on your Christmas shopping yet? I’ve bought a few presents so I’m feeling slightly smug. I’ve also made my Christmas cakes. It’s an old recipe my sister Gill gave me and the main secret is soaking all the fruit in some sherry, or brandy for a few days. Delicious when you bite into a cherry! I always make them in October as they improve with keeping, but also this year, just in case there is a shortage of any of the ingredients. If we are still locked down at Christmas, at least we can enjoy a chunk of cake!
Speaking of Christmas presents, perhaps one or both of my books in paperback would be appreciated by someone in your family? Alternatively, ebooks can also be bought as gifts, a much cheaper option, though some people prefer a physical book. We might all be glad of a book to read if we are not allowed to socialise much this Christmas. On that note, The Angel Maker, the second ebook in my Hartford Manor Series will be on special offer on Amazon for a few days from 14 November and will only cost 99p. It is available here: The Angel Maker
My main news at the moment is that my daughter-in-law Laura has revamped the covers on my first two books. Another author has been giving me some much needed advice about publishing books and she pointed out that whilst the covers were both lovely, they did not look as if they had anything to do with each other. When I really looked I saw what she meant, though of course when I wrote the first book I had no idea I would write any more. Anyway, I’m now very pleased with the covers and hope they look like they belong together.
I’ve been busy working on my third book in the series. I haven’t managed to think of a title yet, but the story will carry on from the second book The Angel Maker. I’ve written one chapter so far, so a long way to go, but more news on this next time.
Who ever thought I would write a blog!
I’ve been trying my hand at writing blogs – something new for me. The question is what to blog about? Then I thought, seeing as I named my first book The Mazzard Tree, I’d provide a bit of information about mazzards, as anyone not local to the area may not be familiar with them. So with that in mind, you can find out all about them here: Mazzards
A Good Book to Get Your Teeth Into

I enjoy reading myself and one of the books I read recently was by another Devon author, Lesley Pearse. This was the first Lesley Pearse book I’d read and I loved it.
The story is about Mary Broad, a young girl from Fowey in Cornwall, who is transported to Australia in 1786 for theft. Living in Devon and knowing Fowey well, made this even more special for me.
The book highlights the terrible conditions the prisoners had to endure on their trip across the world, followed by even more hardship when they arrived there. I don’t want to say too much about the actual story and spoil it for anyone, but it does make you realise how lucky we are to be living in this day and age – even in these difficult times with the Coronavirus.
The story is well written and easy to read and I will be looking for more books by this author.
Until next time, take care.