Lundy Island is an isolated granite outcrop of rock that lies some twelve miles or so off the North Devon coast, with nothing between it and America. The island is three miles long and just over half a mile wide, and it welcomes over 20,000 tourists each year who sail...
North Devon
My September 2021 Newsletter
Hello and welcome to my September newsletter. I seem to be having a very busy summer this year. We have quite a big garden, laid mostly with lawns and flower beds, and keeping it tidy sometimes feels like painting the Forth Bridge. I work my way...
July 2021 Newsletter
Hello and welcome to my July newsletter. This is always a busy time of year for me as I'm torn between lots of jobs in the garden, writing, or watching Wimbledon. I did a bit of all three yesterday. In the morning we went to our allotment and picked peas...
My Walk to Braunton Burrows on New Year’s Day
It was a cold and frosty day in North Devon on New Year's Day and my husband and I went for a walk with my niece and her partner, and their dog, Piper. It was minus 5 degrees first thing, but by the time we started walking the temperature had risen to a balmy minus 2...