The Usurper King and The Accursed King by Mercedes Rochelle

Today, I’m delighted to host The Usurper King and The Accursed King by Mercedes Rochelle. The books are on a blog tour with The Coffee Pot Book Club:

The Usurper King

Book 4 of The Plantagenet Legacy

About The Usurper King

From Outlaw to Usurper, Henry Bolingbroke fought one rebellion after another.

First, he led his own uprising. Then he captured a forsaken king. Henry had no intention of taking the crown for himself; it was given to him by popular acclaim. Alas, it didn’t take long to realize that that having the kingship was much less rewarding than striving for it. Only three months after his coronation, Henry IV had to face a rebellion led by Richard’s disgruntled favorites. Repressive measures led to more discontent. His own supporters turned against him, demanding more than he could give. The haughty Percies precipitated the Battle of Shrewsbury which nearly cost him the throne—and his life.

To make matters worse, even after Richard II’s funeral, the deposed monarch was rumored to be in Scotland, planning his return. The king just wouldn’t stay down and malcontents wanted him back.

Reviews for The Usurper King

Great historical read.

The author makes history come alive in vibrant and wonderful ways in this book. Historical fiction is at its best in this volume of the usurping of Richard by Henry. I enjoyed this story from cover to cover, and highly recommend it!

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The Usurper King:

The Book Details


Series: The Plantagenet Legacy

Author: Mercedes Rochelle

Publication Date: 4/5/21   

Publisher: Sergeant Press

Pages: 305 pages  

Genre: Historical Fiction / Medieval Historical Fiction

Excerpt from The Usurper King

Henry IV Tries to Reason with his Son About the Usurpation

Richard wasn’t the only one who needed to be placated. Young Hal had decidedly distanced himself from his father, and Henry was at a loss where to start. Finally, he chose the direct approach. Later in the day, as he was writing a letter to Brittany, he looked up at a knock on the open door.

“You wanted to see me?” Hal walked into the room and seated himself across the table. Once again, Henry marveled at how stiff he looked.

“Yes.” He cleared his throat. “It’s time you were involved in our proceedings.”

Hal looked pained. “Is this about King Richard?”

“Yes, son. We can no longer avoid this. We are about to begin deposition charges against him.”

Looking aside, Hal gathered his thoughts. “Is there no other way?” he asked finally.

“I would that there was. But look at the king’s tyranny. Again and again, he has broken his word, forced innocent men to sue for pardons or sign blank charters, condemned men to outlawry—actually, we don’t have to look any farther than my own case. If the king had his way, I may have been an exile for life, penniless and powerless.”


“That would have extended to you, as well. Do you really think his fondness for you would have overcome his hostility toward our house?”

Closing his mouth, Hal studied his father. “Do you sincerely believe this?”

“My father feared for his very life on more than one occasion. At the king’s hands. Yes, I believe this.”

Hal grunted and Henry could see he wasn’t convinced. “I need you beside me,” he said. “Don’t you see where we are headed?”

Hal refused to answer. He studied his hands.

“According to King Edward III’s entail, I am next in line.” Henry leaned forward, willing his son to understand. “And then you.”

The boy’s silence was maddening. He didn’t look happy at the prospect of being king. Then he suddenly glanced up with a question. “Where is this entail?”

Leaning back, Henry let out a sigh. “It’s possible Richard destroyed it.”

“Then you don’t even know if it exists.”

“My father saw it. All the sons of Edward saw it. I’m sure your uncle York would verify its existence.”

“If it exists no longer, what force does it have?”

Fighting his impatience, Henry pursed his lips. Why did Hal fight him at every turn? “There might be a copy at the Chancery. But that’s not really the point, is it? I think the people of England have amply demonstrated they have chosen me for the kingship.”

The truth of that statement was undeniable. Hal nodded reluctantly.

“You don’t need to get involved in the politics, or the deliberations,” Henry went on. “Archbishop Arundel has matters well under control. When the time comes…” He hesitated. This was such a delicate matter even he was uncomfortable speaking about it. “As soon as my coronation is over, I intend to declare you Prince of Wales.”

There. It was out. No more prevarication. Hal’s face was expressionless.

They looked at each other. “As I see it, this is your destiny,” Henry urged. “I know your mettle. You will make a good king. It’s up to me to ensure the stability of our new dynasty.”

Hal was about to deny everything but he stopped. There was no point in pretending he hadn’t thought about it. Of course, he had. He didn’t want it this way; it only helped a little that he had nothing to do with the situation. He decided to try again. “Father, it doesn’t feel right.”

Henry understood. His son was so young. He hadn’t been disillusioned yet. “There are many things in life that don’t feel right. In the end, survival is what matters. I didn’t cause this situation. He did. I’m fighting back the only way I know how.” It wasn’t a very satisfactory answer. At least it was honest.

He leaned forward, putting a hand on Hal’s arm. “Please understand. I’m fighting for our family, as well.”

Hal did understand. That’s what was making all this so hard to accept. “But you swore an oath to let him keep his crown while you governed in his name. Everyone talks about it.”

Henry sighed. This was his greatest regret—a mistake that was going to be the hardest to remedy. “I gave that oath in good faith. But I came to realize we could never make it work. Situations change. What if he regains power, like the last time? It took ten years, but Richard never forgot the wrongs done to him by the Lords Appellant. His revenge was merciless. Look what he did to my uncle the Duke of Gloucester. I only survived because of my father. I truly believe that.” Henry wanted so much for Hal to understand that he squeezed his arm a little too hard.

Hal grimaced and his father caught himself, letting go and leaning back in his chair. “Think about it, son. This time around, his vindictiveness could be even worse. I can’t take that chance. And if I fall—if he wreaked revenge on me—countless others would fall as well.”

“I see.” Hal stood, anxious to be alone with his thoughts. “Is there anything else?”

Henry didn’t want him to go—not until he showed some acceptance. Nonetheless, he knew his son; the lad was sensible though he couldn’t be pushed. “Can I depend on you?”

Nodding, Hal didn’t trust himself to speak. He bowed and backed from the room. The only person he wanted to communicate with was Richard, and that was denied to him. How was he going to live with himself?

The Accursed King

Book 5 of The Plantagenet Legacy

About The Accursed King

What happens when a king loses his prowess?

The day Henry IV could finally declare he had vanquished his enemies, he threw it all away with an infamous deed. No English king had executed an archbishop before. And divine judgment was quick to follow. Many thought he was struck with leprosy—God’s greatest punishment for sinners. From that point on, Henry’s health was cursed and he fought doggedly on as his body continued to betray him—reducing this once great warrior to an invalid.

Fortunately for England, his heir was ready and eager to take over. But Henry wasn’t willing to relinquish what he had worked so hard to preserve. No one was going to take away his royal prerogative—not even Prince Hal. But Henry didn’t count on Hal’s dauntless nature, which threatened to tear the royal family apart.

Reviews for The Accursed King

Another wonderful novel by Mercedes Rochelle, who really knows how to write engaging and entertaining historical fiction.

From the very start I was immersed in the story, to the point where I was totally oblivious to what was going on around me.

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The Accursed King:

The Book Details


Series: The Plantagenet Legacy

Author: Mercedes Rochelle

Publication Date: 4/18/22

Publisher: Sergeant Press

Pages: 301 pages

Genre: Historical Fiction / Medieval Historical Fiction

About the Author

Mercedes Rochelle is an ardent lover of medieval history, and has channeled this interest into fiction writing. She believes that good Historical Fiction, or Faction as it’s coming to be known, is an excellent way to introduce the subject to curious readers.

Her first four books cover eleventh-century Britain and events surrounding the Norman Conquest of England. Her new project is called “The Plantagenet Legacy” taking us through the reigns of the last true Plantagenet King, Richard II and his successors, Henry IV, Henry V and Henry VI.

She also writes a blog: to explore the history behind the story. Born in St. Louis, MO, she received by BA in Literature at the University of Missouri St.Louis in 1979 then moved to New York in 1982 while in her mid-20s to “see the world”. The search hasn’t ended!

Today, she lives in Sergeantsville, NJ, with her husband in a log home they had built themselves.

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All titles in the series are available to read on #KindleUnlimited.

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